It’s exciting to have almost 300 followers and thank you so much for being my readers!! I have been thinking a giveaway for celebration and that’s it:
3 silicone molds for choices from my Etsy Shop.

I believe this giveaway is useful for mini tableware making projects.

The entry is simple and easy:
Please be my follower and leave a nice comment on this post before March 18th,local time in France.

A little note which mentions about this giveaway on your blog will make me pleased and the extra giveaway is 2 tutorials on how to make Miniature Tableware.

If you are a collector of Dollhouse Miniature, I will be happy to offer you some items which value at $60 for choices from my Etsy Shop.

The winner will pop up on my blog on 20th March.
Have fun and good luck! :-)
3 silicone molds for choices from my Etsy Shop.

I believe this giveaway is useful for mini tableware making projects.

The entry is simple and easy:
Please be my follower and leave a nice comment on this post before March 18th,local time in France.

A little note which mentions about this giveaway on your blog will make me pleased and the extra giveaway is 2 tutorials on how to make Miniature Tableware.

If you are a collector of Dollhouse Miniature, I will be happy to offer you some items which value at $60 for choices from my Etsy Shop.

The winner will pop up on my blog on 20th March.
Have fun and good luck! :-)

what a beautifull giveaway, I would like to enter it.
What a beautiful and generous give away! Thankyou for the opportunity to enter.
I love your miniatures and always enjoy visiting.
It is a lovely 'give away". Thank you for offering it to us.
As always your work is so beautiful. It always makes me hungry. ;-))
Oooooh nearly 300 Congratulations! You certainly deserve it. I am sure there will be many, many more.
Wow thanks so much for posting this give away. I have been looking for a way to make plates that don't look so child-ish and this is perfect. If I don't win I hope I can earn some money to be able to buy these molds. They are great! Please enter me in.
I will definitely be posting on my blog about this giveaway.
Felicidades por tus 300 seguidores,la verdad que no me extraña,haces cosas
preciosas,me gustaría participar en tu sorteo.Besos.
Oh what a great idea for a giveaway, I'd love to have some of your molds! Thank you for doing it, I'd like to be entered. :)
- Grace
Congrats Peiwen and thank you very much for the giveaway, I'd love to win it. I shall keep fingres crossed. Have a nice Sunday, Rosanna
Congratulations for your 300 followers!!
Please count with me for your faboulus giveaway!!!
Mini hugs!!
what a great giveaway :)i have put it on my blog too :) congrats on 100 :D Linda x
Enhorabuena por los muchos seguidores, y los que aún se anotarán en la lista!El regalo es fantástico y me encantaría participar. Un beso.
Enhorabuena por tus 300 seguidores!!!. El regalo es muy tentador, espero que cuentes conmigo. Ahora publico tu sorteo en mi blog. Un saludo, Eva
Congrats on your followers! I would love to participate in this sweet giveaway,I'll post on my blog too and I invited to you to participate in my flowers giveaway,sweets regards.
Thank you so much for hosting such a lovely giveaway! Please enter my name and I'll be crossing my fingers! :-)
~ Deb
first of all congratulations for your 300 followers! big party in this blog, congratulations!
Peiwen, your gifts are so beautiful, it is impossible to give up on this give away! :))
I'm lucky to have one of your wonderful miniature, but I still hope to win.
is always a great pleasure to have your gift! Thanks for this opportunity. I put the link on my blog.
Good Sunday! Caterina
It would be amazing to win! I really love your work. I follow through my Google Reader and I will post about this on my Facebook page.
lemon cadet AT gmail dot com
Congratulations on your 300th visitor as well! It is a great giveaway! Let me in too!
Congratulations! You make beautiful miniatures! Please count me in your give-away.
Margot x
Hello, would love to join this wonderful giveaway. These molds are great.
Congrats to by followers
I put the link in my blog:http://daisycarpi.blogspot.com/
Adoraria participar no seu give-away.
São presentes muito bonitos.
Pus o seu give-away no meu blog.
Congratulation! I love you and your beautiful miniatures. A great pleasure to join the lovely giveaway. And wish I'm the lucky one. Anyway thanks for your giveaway~~
Quelle belle idée d'offrir ces moules à l'occasion du trois centième inscrit !
Je suis contente d'y participer et, qui sait, avec un peu de chance gagner ?
Très beau dimanche
Felicidades por tus 300 seguidores¡¡¡Me encantaria participar en el sorteo.Besos
Just two days ago I looked through your shop and couldn't stop ooohhing over that lovely spring flower basket.. It is just stunning!
Congrats on the followers!
My Best Compliments for your great Goal!
I love your miniatures very much!
I'll try to win in this Give away because I love to make ceramic miniatures so your molds are for me e great price!
Thanks for this opportunity.I'll put the banner in my blog!
Oh how wonderful!
I love your work, often within your etsy shop and daydream ...
Soon is my birthday and I hope that my husband go to see my wish list: He will find one of your beautiful creation :-)
Congratulations on this wonderful achievement that, in any case, for you is only the beginning...
Mini hugs, Flora
Me encantaría particiar en tu sorteo. El regalo es precioso.
Felicidades por tus 300 seguiores.
Felicidades por tus seguidores. Me encanta lo que sorteas y ahora mismo te pongo el sorteo en mi blog que los tutoriales me vendrían genial. Besos
J'étais persuadée être déjà inscrite parmi vos followers mais il semble que je fasse erreur. J'ai tellement l'habitude de suivre votre blog en utilisant mes favoris.... C'est maintenant réparé, je suis inscrite.
Je n'ai pas de blog pour diffuser l'information sur votre giveway, mais je vais le faire sur ma page Facebook http://www.facebook.com/MarottesudMiniatureLibrary
et sur Twitter.
Rendez-vous pour les 400 followers.
Felicidades por esos 300 seguidores!! Me gustaria participar en tu sorteo.
What a generous and beautiful giveaway! Congrats on the 300 followers!
Best Wishes
Congratulations for the 300 followers, you have deserved them!
Please sign me into your giveaway, the gifts are fantastic!
A post is already on my blog: www.cocomocomini.blogspot.com
x Hotazuru
Congratulations for the huge amount of followers: over 300; wow!
I would like to take part into your gorgeous giveaway! Please count me in! :)
I`ll put a link into my blog about your Giveaway.
félicitation !! je participe volontier à ce merveilleux giveaway.
I think you are one of the best miniaturist around , and I don't say it just because of the giveaway - I really do mean it :)
Lo primero felicitarte por tus seguirdores, cosa bastante comprensible por la calidad de tu blog.
Desearía poder participar en este estupendo sorteo que nos ofreces.
Un abrazo
Felicidades por esos 300 seguidores. Y por esto te e descubierto por otro blog y tengo que decir que me quedo.
Me gustaria participar en tu sorteo.
Hola ,los idiomas no son lo mio ,pero me ha encantado lo que he visto en tu blog.Felicidades por los seguidores y ya tienes una mas ,aprendere mucho viendo tus trabajos.Espero que cuentes conmigo para el sorteo.Besos
It's a very generous giveaway! I would be very happy to be the winner! Your molds are perfect!
Congrats to 300 followers! This is a very generous give away and I would love to enter! Mini hugs!
wowwee! what a milestone! and thank you for the generous giveaway opportunity!! *fingers crossed!!!*
Enhorabuena, y sigue haciendo estas maravillosas cosas!!!
Enhorabuena por tus 300 seguidores.
Me encantaria participar en tu sorteo y poder gnar esas preciosas maravillas.
Subo el aviso del sorteo a mi blog.
besitos ascension
Lovely miniatures! I love Your miniature molds! :-)
Félicitations pour vos maintenant 310 membres.
Votre giveaway est fantastique comme vos miniatures. Je suis heureuse d'y participer.
Congratulations for the 300 followers!!Thanks for your generous giveaway..The gifts are fantastics same all yours works! Kisses.
Congratulations on your followers,please count me in,i put your link in my blog !
Congratulation. I love your work and hope to win your giveaway.
Your blog is very lovely...I love all your things.
I put your link in my blog.
It's such a nice giveaway and I'm such a great fan of your work than I wrote a post about you on my own blog :-)
Felicidades!! Apuntame, el regalo me encanta.
Creo que pronto vas a llegar a los 400...
Aver si tengo suerte en tu sorteo.
Si quieres puedes probar suerte en el mio.
Soy una admiradora de tu obra, siempre impecable,la fotografia,la composicion, la ejecucion, seria feliz de poder participar en tu sorteo, y mas aun si me tocase, por favor apuntame ,llevo el enlace ami blog, besos.
¡¡Pero que cosas tan maravillosas haces...!! No conocía tu blog, y me está encantando... Que bien hecho está todo, que bien presentado... es una delicia. Felicidades por todos tus trabajos, y por supuesto, por los más de 300 seguidores ya. Me encantaría participar en tu sorteo y optar a tan maravillosos regalos, y de paso, te invito a participar también en el sorteo de mi blog http://brujitaminis.blogspot.com/
Ça c’est merveilleux! J'aimerais bien sûr participer à leur concours! J'ai découvert vôtre moules par hasard a internet, à la recherche de moules pour faire une vaisselle, car il n'y a aucun moyen de mes plats en fimo sont bien. J'avais pensé à envoyer un commentaire pour faire une commande a vous même, puisque je vis en Espagne et il semble absurde que la commission tour le monde entier, étant a proximité. Et voici, je trouve vos concours!. Incroyable!. Je dois dire que leurs modèles semblent incroyables, être comme je suis un total maladroite. Mais moi, je ne désespère pas. Bien sûr, avec l'aide de leurs moules, je vais faire un grand plat! (je, je). S'il vous plaît, peut être je peux acheter leurs moules sans les confier à Etsy. Merci beaucoup
Oh I would love to win some of your molds! Thank you for having this giveaway!
How did I ever miss your blog?! I'm a bit upset at myself for doing so lol. Thanks for having this giveaway. Love your works dear!
Hola ¡¡¡¡ por favor apuntame a tu sorte. Soy una enamorada de tus trabajos y tengo la suerte de tener en mis manos algunos de ellos. Un abrazo. Marta
Hola ¡ yo acabo de conocer tu blog¡¡¡ es realmente precioso tu trabajo¡¡ me encantaria poder formar parte en el sorteo...y felicidades por tus seguidores, seguro que seran muchos mas.
Congratulations on your 317 followers. Would you please count me in for this gorgeous giveaway?
I'm very happy to participate Oiseau. Thank you for this opportunity :o)
I found your blog now. Your miniatures are wonderful. I'm very happy to participate in your giveaway.
Your work is fantastic-- I love every piece. Thanks so much for the opportunity to enter. :)
Mini hugs,
Love your work so I'd be thrilled to be entered in this competition! Caroline x
felicidades por los 317 seguidores que ya tienes ,,acabo de ver tu blog y hacer unas cosas preciosas ,me encantaria participar en el sorteo ,,,besosss
This is so great Pei Li!!!
Please count me in...
Congratulations on your 300 followers!
What a beautiful give away!!
I would be very happy if you would count me in :)
Well... I'll keep my fingers crossed now.
Felicidades por tus 300 seguidores, es un blog increible lleno de maravillas. Gracias por darme la oportunidad de participar. Te añado a mi blog.Un beso.
Congratulation to your 300 followers
I should be glad to be in your fine give-way.
I put the link on my blog
Peiwen, How exciting!!!! All of the followers and this wonderful giveaway! Thank you for letting me know about it! I will show it on my blog too! I would love to add to my special collection of your fab art!!! Please include me!!!
Me encanta, me encanta, me encanta!! q cosas mas bonitas haces!!
Felicidades, y apuntame por favor.
You make wonderful miniatures and I'm happy I found your blog via Patty from Mini Babies. I really would LOVE to win your giveaway.
Even if my chances will be diminished (LOL), I'll publish your giveaway on my blog right now! I think you deserve manymany more followers!
Superbe giveaway !
Félicitations pour les 300 "followers" ! Tu le mérites bien !
Felicidades!! Me encantaria participar en tu sorteo. Un saludo
Lovley, you seem to be a real artist! Greetings from Sweden!
Congratulations! Please count me in your wonderful giveaway!
This giveaway is very lovely, I love your art!
Beautiful this giveaway, I'd like to have your mold, I like very much ...
cross my fingers (even those of the feet) ...
a kiss
wow what a generous give-away! Please put my name in..
hugs Karin
estoy impactada con tanta miniatura, yo me apunto, he trabajado algunas miniaturas en pasta francesa, para unas fachadas, no sabia que exitian moldes, lo que me hubiera facilitado el trabajojajajaja, desde ahora tu seguidora me llevo el logo a mi blog mi correo amatistadecoupage@hotmail.com, y me podrias decir como pusiste el traductor en tus comentarios necesito uno y no se como hacerlo besitos
Oh my what a lovely give away I would love this basket!! Please count me in!!
you're giving ALL this away?? WOW yes I wanna be counted!!
Muchas felicidades por los 330 seguidores!!!
Me encantara participar, están hermosos los regalos ( =
Ahora lo pongo en mi blog!!
Congratulations on 300+ followers, Peiwen!!! Wishing you many, many more :)
Your miniatures look wonderful! Thank you for the chance to win this great giveaway and congrats to the followers! I would love to win, so please count me in. I put a link on my blog :-)
Congrats on your many many followers! I´d like to participate your amazing giveaway. I´m so happy I found your blog. Everything looks so great.
Congratulations on your followers! Please count me in for your generous giveaway.
Lovely giveaway! Your work is truly beautiful!
what a wonderful giveaway! I would love to be entered, big thankyou!
I can't believe that I am not already a follower! I am now! I love your work!
Muchas felicidades por tus 337 seguidores!!
Tu trabajo es muy bueno y te mereces tener muchos más.
Congratulations on your followers! I love your miniatures and this is a beautiful give away! Thank you for the opportunity to enter.
I put your giveaway on my blog.
Congratulations for your blog, is wonderful, You´re in my blog mimundodeminiatura.blogspot.com. Thank you for your giveaway!
beautiful goods
Congratulations to the followers. It's nice to visit the news
Congratulations on all of your followers! I would love to enter your very generous giveaway!! I will post a link on my blog :o)
Congrats on your 338 well deserved followers, Peiwen!!!
Your giveaway is very nice and generous (I am in love with the little flower basket...), so please count with me.
I'll put the banner on my blog, and I'll keep my fingers crossed.
Felicidades por tus 300 seguidores ahora tienes 301, pues me he hecho seguidora, que manos tienes¡¡¡ Dios mio¡¡¡ es todo precioso.
Te invito a ver el mio.
Bonsoir Peiwen,
Félicitation pour vos nombreux membres ! C'est toujours un plaisir de suivre votre blog et de découvrir vos miniatures aussi belles les unes que les autres ;) Ce giveaway est génial et je suis heureuse d'y participer.
Bonne soirée,
You are very generous! Please count me in!
Thank you
I have been a huge fan of your work and talent for some time now, I thank you so much for this and congratulations!
Hi! How wonderful! I like it a lot! Can I participate? Thank you!!
thanks por opportunityù
email maison-@hotmail.it
follower nick catymariposina
I do really like to participate this give away! You make beutiful and I would love to get one of the moulds!
brava spero di vincere hai avuto una bella idea anche a me piace realizzare miniature.erika
You have wonderful work!
And of course I want to win:)
Link set http://dalmar-miniatures.blogspot.com/
By the way, I live nearby - in Beziers:)
Good luck!
Wonderful giveaway.Thanks for your kindness.
Let me in too.
What a beautiful blog, I love Laduree! Everything is so pretty. I would love to enter your giveaway!!
Follow: Maggida
oh my god! It is beautiful. Looks yummy.
Felicidades por 300 seguidores,me gustaria participar en el sorteo.
Besos - Rosa
what a beautifull giveaway. please count me in. greets linda
I just found your blog and I'm glad I did. You make so very beautiful little things! I'd love to take part of your giveaway. You just might have to change it to a almost-400-followers-giveaway soon :D
Great give away! I would love to win your fantastic molds!
Congratulations with the 300+ followers.
Will you count me in for the amazing giveaway?
I'll put the banner on my blog.
Your give away looks exiting, I would like to be included.
The miniatures I would be tempted to eat...;-)they just looks so tempting.
Felicidades por tus trabajos y por tu blog porque ambos son impecables,me gustaría entrar en el sorteo y por supuesto seguiré atentamente tus trabajos porque me han encantado.Besos
FELICIDADES!!!Me encantaria participar en tu sorteo; haber si hay suerte.
Un beso
Congratulations on your 300 followers!
Please count me in your give away :-)
Congratulations on your followers. You will have over 400 in no time!! You make truly beautiful things - your flowers are spectacular. Please include me in your fabulous give-away. Hugs, Carol :) x
Congratulations!Your work is wonderful!!Please include me in the give-away.It´s really nice!
Hi friends,
Thanks so much for your thrilling messages. I visit, read and follower several new blogs of yours every day. I am glad that so many old and new friends take part in this giveaway event. I am so pleased and I will continue visiting your blogs.
Thank you all the friends, I wish you a wonderful Sunday!
Oiseau/ Peiwen
complimenti!! troppo belle le tue creazioni!!! un saluto dall'Italia
Lovely give away, I put the advise in my blog
Your works are wonderful. I enjoy watching your blog. Please sign me up to draw. You're very generous with the prize and I love it! Thanks for the opportunity.
Kisses and hugs
What a lovely giveaway! Please sign me up!
Enhorabuena por tus seguidores, tienes un blog muy bonito.
Me gustaría participar en tu precioso sorteo.
Wonderful giveaway! Count me in! Beautiful blog! Blessings, Kim
I love your blog. Please enter me in your giveaway, I really need those molds :-)
I'll be posting a link on my blog soon - kittenzcradle at blogspot dot com.
Beutiful give away!!!! I hope to win!! and congratulation for your success!!
Tu blog le miro mucho, es precioso lo que haces!!!!! Espero tener algo tuyo. Un beso
I just adore your work. The Miniatures are fabulous. However do you make them?
Happy to follow you blog. I'm fascinated my your work.
Hugs, Rosalee
No conocía tu blog y acabo de descubrir que en este tiempo me he perdido cosas maravillosas, desde hoy soy seguidora para que no me vuelva a pasar.
Felicitarte por tu gran cantidad de seguidoresy por supuesto, me encantaría participar en este regalo tan generoso por tu parte.
Es un maravilloso regalo. Sera todo un honor participar en el. Muchas gracias por hacernos participes. Un abrazo. Carmen
Thank you for your sweet comment non my blog :).
And congratz on the 375! :)
So glad I found your blog, I am now a follower and I would love to enter your awesome giveaway! Thanks for the chance.
Congratulations on your followers and count me in for the giveway, please:)
hello. I became a follower of your blog, and of course I want to be in to win magnifico.
congratulations for the blog
Hello, I just joined as a follower, and would be delighted if you'd become a follower of my new blog. I'm new to this world of miniatures, but love reading the blogs and seeing all the wonderful creations.
By the way, I just love the square plates from your molds - they are so clean and sleek looking!
Wow!! Congrats !!!
I'll love to be the lucky winner.
Thank you
I just adore your great work and art with minis, it's always a pleasure to visit your blog !!!
So continue with the good work!!!
Thank you very much for sharing your talent with us.
Have a nice day!!
Beatriz Martin
Hola, Me encantan los trabajos que expones en tu blog, Felicidades. Espero poder participar en el sorteo, un saludo, Arantza.
OH my goodness! How generous of you! I'd love to be included in a chance at your giveaway! Your work is amazing! Thank you!
I've been following your blog for several weeks now, and I'm definitely in love with your creations.
At first I was looking at your taiwanese blog and I was so frustrated ! I'm only a beginner at chinese (on top of that, I'm only learning simplified caracters ^^") so I didn't have clue what you were saying.
I'm so glad to discover you also have a blog in english !
Please keep doing such a good job, and I hope you're enjoying your time in South of France (that's where I'm from !)
Wonderful giveaway and amazing things!
No conocía tu blog y tienes unas cosas maravillosas, con tu permiso me encantaría participar en tu sorteo. Te enlazo con mi blog. Un saludo
Congratulations for your followers.
Me encantaria participar en tu sorteo. Mi blog ya tiene tu imagen para celebrarlo.
this is all so beautiful! http://indigoinkcreations.blogspot.com/2011/03/blog-contest-im-entering.html
I made a post on my blog and am following also
Love your blog! Congradulations! I would like to take part of this wonderful giveaway!
Un gran saludo desde Perú!!!Felicitaciones tienes unos trabajos MARAVILLOSOS!!!!!me hace mucha ilusión poder participar en tu sorteo y que sigan creciendo los visitantes!!!!
Enhorabuena!!!!!!! Todo lo que haces es precioso. Espero tener suerte!!!!!!!
Todo precioso...falicidades!!!!
Please sign me into your giveaway, the gifts are fantastic!
It is a lovely 'give away". Thank you for offering it to us.
I also sign up for these wonderful gifts :)
I like it so much, and please sing me in for this wunderfull gifts.
Ingeborg Hungary
Enhorabuena!! No me extraña, por que todo lo que haces es precioso y una verdadera obra arte.
Ojala que sigas asi y que el exito te dure por muchos años!
Felicidades por los seguidores!!!
Tu sorteo es precioso, puedo participar??
Besos y gracias por tu generosidad.
Lo anuncio en mi blog!!
felicidades por tus preciosidades, me encantariaparticipar en tu sorteo
I do hope I win this.
Congrats on 396 Followers! Growing fast!;D Please count me in too:)
me gustan muchísimo sus trabajos y por favor, me encantaría poder participar en su sorteo.
Gracias y saludos
What a great finding I did!! I love to win this giveaway!! It would be an opportunity for me, to make some more miniatures! It has been so long ago now,.
congratulations for your 300 followers
I have just found your blog and immidiatly loved all the things I've seen. I really adore your peonies. Whauu!
I'd be glad to win your give away.
Lene, Denmark
Wow i m impressed how small and intricate your miniatures are, I love them all!
I am your new follower and I have added your giveaway button on my blog side bar. www.waynestonbears.blogspot.com
Please enter me for this wonderful draw, I hope to win them home =)
Hugs, Wayne
Congratulations on your 300 followers!!! My best wishes for more!!! :-)
I love all your creations and I think that your giveaway is more than generous!!!
Of course I have published a post about it in my blog, although I do not have many followers, but I really hope that would help you gain some more!!!
Here is the link -> http://colourlabjo.blogspot.com/
Mini hugs from Greece :-)
I am a newbie in miniature. And it does not know how to do the dishes. Therefore the forms for making dishes I really need. My link on the right side http://myworldofmini.blogspot.com/
Me encantaria participar, el regalo es maravilloso. Un beso.
enhorabuena por tantos seguidoras auqnue no em extraña porque tus cosas son preciosas me encnataria participar,gracias
Congratulations, you now have over 400 followers!
Thanks for the giveaway, I would love to win the basket of flowers. :)
Felicidades por tus seguidores!!! ahora tienes una más!!!, me encantaría participar en tu sorteo tienes cosas hermosas.Besitos
me uno a las felicitaciones y los seguidores. un trabajo envidiable. Me gustaria participar. Un saludo
come resistere ... sono felice di partecipare ;-)
sei su http://sorrisodiluna.blogspot.com/
incrocio le dita e spero
ciao rosa.kreattiva
blog creativo http://kreattiva.blogspot.com/
A Beautiful giveaway, love to participate. Love your work, simply fantastic.
Carla Gabriela
I will get my first dollhouse this weekend and would love to have one of your giveaway molds :) Thank you for doing this, I'd like to be entered. :)
Hi again, I posted a link on my blog. There's not much traffic there but I hope someone is directed to your beatiful site.
Here's the link
J'aime beaucoup vos miniatures et les photos sont très belles.
Je participe bien sûr à votre giveaway, et j'ai mis votre article en lien sur mon blog.
Je vous souhaite une très belle journée.
You make such beautiful minis! :] A very generous giveaway.
Yo creía haberme apuntado al sorteo, joooo se me debió pasar, aunque llevo tiempo que lo anuncié en mi blog, bueno si aún estoy a tiempo, te agradecería que me incluyeses en la lista, a ver si hay suerte. Un beso
Gracias por poner la lista de participantes ya que asi he visto que anuncie tu sorteo en mi blog desde el primer dia pero no deje comentario!!!!! que despistada soy con lo que me gustan tus miniaturas, aun estoy a tiempo y quisiera participar, gracias, besos.
I was pretty sure that I have write a comment in your giveaway...but it seems that only in my mind :)
You are one of my favourites miniaturistes (true) so the chance to have one of yours works is wonderful and I am an old follower now. Congratulations, you deserves more.
By the way I have a giveaway ongoing if you want to participate!
Sono contenta di partecipare.
me encantaria participar,soy del foro tusminiaturas,gracias,es precioso
Congratulations for your 418 followers! Deserved result of a work so beautiful and delicate! I also love to have your molds!
I put a post referring to your giveaway on my blog! Kisses!
Wow! Such a beautiful giveaway! and so many participants! I would like to try my luck too! Thank you for offering these delicious minis. Natalia
I know I'm late but I would like to enter the give away
thank you
Congratulations on your followers! Please count me in for your generous giveaway.
Precioso este regalo, me encanta apuntarme y probar suerte. Voy a poner anuncio en mi blog. Mariajo
It looks like I forgot to leave a comment here when I last visit Your lovely blog and became one of Your followers... (Same head all year around..You know... ^_^ )
Congratulations to Your for having so many followers!!
Just LOVE Your molds.
Is it too late to take part in Your giveaway?? If it's not, then pleace count me in it :)
Please include me in your giveaway. I would be thrilled if I won!
Hi, You make beautiful things, I put your blog with my favorites. What a nice give away. Please count me in
Warm greetings Marja
hola felicidades por tus seguidores y trabajos,me podias por favor apuntarme gracias.
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