In July and August, we start looking for some houses and apartments; it’s an exciting but also a tiring job. I collect a lot of information from Internet and ask for appointments with agencies. In September, I also go back to school and restart my French courses. I am surprised that I am divided into a higher-level group. I am glad with the result without doubts but that also means I get plenty of vocabularies to deal with from now on.

It’s the main reason I disappear for a while; since I have some pressure from the course in French, I concentrate on it. Even I try to do some parts of handcrafts during the weekend, I don’t have good sense to assemble them.

I am late from the original schedule but it will last till November because I am informed that we will go back to Asia for one month that also means I will be able to stop temporarily my course in Oct. I feel like playing clay as if I get the liberty. ^_^
Wonderful dishes!
I initially thought they were image transfers!!! You did a fantastic job. And good luck with the house hunting and the french courses. =D
ahhhh beautiful dishes! lovely work! and welcome back (of sorts), so glad to see you get back to mini stuff ^ ^
Bravo oiseau, c'est très joli! (so you can blog AND work your french;-)...I love the mug!
Encore un pet d'entrainement pour lire du français ! :) C'est incroyable ce que vous faites ! Je ne pensais pas que la vaisselle était aussi en pâte polymère. Tout est fantastique, un grand bravo !!
All is really outstanding ! ^^
Thanks, Daisy! :)
Dear Deborah,
I believe it'd be a better way to transfer images or patterns directly.
I will try someday! Also thanks for your encouragement!
My dear Cindy,
Your tatting lace works are excellent, no matter the colors or the design structure.
I usually it that in the flight.
Hope your wrist and hand will recover soon and play clay with us.
Salut Emma,
j'ai perdu un peu de mon anglais apres etre arrive en France.
Il prend du temps quand j'ecris en anglais sur le blog;
Ca sera pareil si j'ecris en francais.
Mais je crois que je ferais des progres si je m'entraine plus.
Bonjour Nicole,
Merci de vos compliments.
La vaisselle est 100% en pate polymere.
J'ai fait la forme d'abord; apres cuisson,
j'ai plaque le motif sur la surface, ensuite je l'ai remis au four.
Je continuerai a faire des progres. ^q^
I've just found your blog - what lovely work you do. Love the dishes too.
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