
Workshops in Taipei 2019台北暑期手作課程安排

I am not only on the way preparing for SIMP Dollhouse Show but also several handcrafted classes in Taipei in July. Welcome to contact me if this might interests you; I might be lucky to see you in the classes.  :)
All the classes are given in Mandarin Chinese and English. French is of course available.

牡丹花束 Bouquet de Pivoines 

2019.7.13 11H15-17H00
Eslite Spectrum Xinban Store

馬卡龍水晶禮盒 Macaron Boîte Cristal

2019.7.16 11H00-14H30 
Oiseau deNim Atelier 私人教室 永安市場捷運站

邦尼兔蛋糕 Gâteau de Pâques

2019.7.18 10H30-14H30 
瓜媽手作園地 台北捷運 忠孝新生站 Taipei MRT Zhongxiao-Xinsheng Station

法式劈柴蛋糕 Bûche de Noël

2019.7.23 11H00-14H30 
Oiseau deNim Atelier 私人教室 永安市場捷運站

婚禮蛋糕 Gâteaux de Mariage

2019.7.25 10H30-14H30 
瓜媽手作園地 台北捷運 忠孝新生站 Taipei MRT Zhongxiao-Xinsheng Station

水仙花盆栽 Narcissus 

2019.7.20 11H15-17H00 at Eslite Spectrum Xinban Store


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