I made this tutorial before house move and I don’t even have time to make an English version.
Original link is http://oiseau.pixnet.net/blog/post/30804158
Pixnet is one base of Taiwan blogs; I choose it instead of Yahoo just because I prefer its style.
Muchas gracias por el enlace
besitos ascension
Very good your tutorial! The photos are very explicit. Thanks!
I saw your strawberry cane tutorial and I loved it. Thank you very much! I am actually Taiwanese too, but I moved to Australia when I was 4 so it doesn't really count I guess!
You all are welcomes, ladies! :D
Hi Tiff,
you always are no matter when you moved to Australia! :p
you won!
Hehe thank you Oiseau :).
Hi, Sumaiya.
If I have never met you or known The Mini Food Blog one year ago, I’d not have so much motive power to improve myself. I believe this is the exact place where I start from. Thank you so much!
Love, Oiseau
Hi Oiseau,
I live in Brasil and you save my live, thank you so much for your strawberry cane tutorial!
The people don't like of to give your experiences for the another people. Congratulations for your posture. Excuse me for my english terrible;).
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