I have been been thinking of a giveaway for celebrating the second anniversary of my blog. Is that still attractive to get 3 mini plate molds from my shop? Maybe you are more interested in the mini food?
To thanks all the followers, I think it great to offer a coupon valued at $60.
The winner can take what she/ he likes in my etsy shop.
The entry is simple
First, you are the follower of my blog
Second, "Like" me on Facebook page "Oiseau deNim"
The last request is optionl: click "Tweet" or"Like" in my Etsy Shop.
For those who are not in FB, you still can participate the giveaway game.
You can Favorite my Etsy shop and Add me to Circle! or tell me three of your favorite hometown food.
After you get the entries, please leave a friendly comment in this post and tell me what you have done by 27th August 2011 France local time. I will know you are on the list.
A little note which mentions about this giveaway on your blog will make me pleased. It's my pleasure to offer another little giveaway: "14 little macaroons in a cristal box and a gift bag" shown as the photo above.
This means we will have two winners: one is the winner of $60 coupon and the other one will receive the lovely macaroon set! The winners will be announced on 28th August.
Have fun and good luck!
Miniature Online Show
Some requests from friends, I have re-made some peony bouquets recently and will be selling in "A Mini Miniature Show"on 13th and 14th August (approximately Friday night 10 pm mountain time (US) the dealers tables will be unlocked). My table is in the group of "Dealer V". Come and discover over 80 artisans/ dealers and their excellent works in the show. See you tomorrow (Paris time)!
Congrats on the Anniversary!
I am not sure if I can take part into your Lovely Giveaway, but I would Love to! The reason is that I am not in Facebook nor Tweet..
But I have been your follower for a long time and I`ll put a link into my Blog..is that OK
concratulations for the seccond anniversary of your blog. I do like you on facebook and also tweeted your etsyshop. I would like to be counted in for your giveaway
Hey!! Count me in your giveaway :D
and gratz for your blog, your work is amazing. ^^
Happy anniversary! Great giveaway. I'm a follower btw.
Eine fantastische Giveaway-Idee und ich würde wahnsinnig gerne mitmachen, so tolle Preise!!!
Aber sorry... ich bin dann im Urlaub.
Ich wünsche Allen anderen Teilnehmern viel Glück!!!
Liebe Grüße
woohoooo happy Anniversary :D Please count me in :D Linda x
I can not participate in your fabulous anniversary give away as (by choice!) I am not on facebook :-)
But I am equally happy to follow your blog :-)
I make to you best wishes for many more years of posts :-)
Mini lovely hugs, Flora
Hi Peiwen,
You always surprise with your lovely pieces. Love them so much and keep up the good work!
Love from Syd. Lulu
oh forgot to mention that I'm your follower of your blog and fb. Cheers Lulu
I would like to take part in the giveaway. I have put you among my favourites on etsy and I love your blog. Your dancing meals are abfab !
I, too, am not on facebook, but I do follow and love your work! :D
Wonderful giveaway, please count me in! Blessings, Kim
Congrats on your 2nd anniversary!! I follow your blog through reader, but I updated as an official follower. I already have you as a favorite in etsy and I just " liked" you on Facebook. I love your creations!!!!!!
Vous êtes très douée.
Vos artichauts sont fantastiques.
Je vous souhaite une très belle journée.
Felicidades por tu aniversarío,
gracías por tu sorteo, tus minis son magnificas, me gustaría participar en tu sorteo, ahora subo el enlace a mi blog, ya soy seguidora a traves de Facebook y tu Etsy.Besos.
Congratulations on your blog anniversary! I would love to enter your giveaway...how generous of you. Many wonderful items in your etsy shop. I am already a follower on FB and your blog. Thanks again.
Hola!! por favor anotame en el sorteo!!
Publico en mi blog tu sorteo....y felicidades por el aniversario!
Peiwen, Amazing to think that you are having a 2nd Anniversary on Blogger! I love your newest display box of macaron's! It is so wonderful. I would love to participate in your giveaway but don't have a Facebook account!
Congratulations! I would love to enter your giveaway! Always beautiful work.
Thank you for the opportunity.
P.s. - I invite you to participate in the give away of my 100 followers.
I hope you enjoy.
Hi! Congratulations on your blog anniversary! Please count me in for the giveaway! I follow you on facebook and here, and I tweeted about your giveaway!
Me encantaría participar en tu regalo, sólo tengo un problema, no tengo cuenta en facebook, ¿puedo participar de todas formas?
he visitado tu tienda, es preciosa, pero ahora no se que me falta hacer.
Even if I don't "do" any facebook I wanted to congratulate.
I'm always happy to see your wonderful miniatures.
Felicidades por tu segundo aniversario, me encantan todas tus minis y los moldes son geniales, tambien visito tu tienda etsy, ahora lo anuncio en mi blog, gracias y besos.
Congratulations!!! Everything you do is always interesting and worth taking the chance to win!!
I am a follower, and now I follow you on facebook and have twitted about your shop and liked your shop too!
my tweet: http://twitter.com/#!/patacraft/status/102149000320389120
Patricia A.
Hola, que regalos tan generosos y bonitos!
Soy una "old follower" de tus trabajos. Me encantará participar, lo anuncio en mi blog, no puedo hacer más porque no tenfo FB, ni sé como ponerte en un circulo...
Un abrazo
Congats on you anniversary and thank you for this chance although I am not on FB.
My favourite hometown foods ??? easy ! Focaccia, pasta al pesto and ravioli.
Easier done than said :o)
I shall keep everything crossed :o)
I love Laduree macarons! Congratulations on the anniversary of your blog! you are one of my favorite miniature artists! I liked your facebook page as well- please count me in for the giveaway-thanks! :)
Congats on you anniversary and thank you for this chance. I liked you on facebook.
I love all your minis and I have added in my favourite a lot of them.I have also one of your fantastic mould.
Well I love ravioli,the chocco cicken in rustic pot,and of course your Paris Macarons.
I shall keep all my finger crossed
to try to win!
Enhorabuena por tu aniversario de blog.
No se como hacerme seguidora en Facebook......jejeje
Subo el aviso a mi blog.
Me encantara participar en tu sorteo.
Ahora voy a visitar tu tienda.
besitos ascension
Felicidades por tu aniversario, me gusta mucho tu blog, tienes unas minis preciosas, muy bonitas. Me encantaría participar en tu sorteo. ya soy seguidora tuya y pongo tu enlace en mi blog. Muchos besos, Angela.
Congratulations for this second anniversary! I'm a long time follower here and on Facebook and there's a new post about you on my blog...
Congratualtions on your second anniversary! I love your give away! please count me in!
congratulations on the second anniversary of your blog!
I would like to participate in your give away.
my favorite foods of my hometown are Focaccia, spaghetti with tomato sauce, raw fish (octopus, sea urchins, mussels ..)!
I'm not on FB, but I put in your Etsy in my circle, and one of my favorite stores ...
also put the link on my blog, I hope to win, at least the second prize .. :))
thank you so much for this opportunity!
good August! Caterina
Thank you for including me in your wonderful blog giveaway. I did it all: I am a follower of your blog, I liked your page on Facebook, and I tweeted in your Etsy shop (I also added your shop to my favorites while I was there!).
Congratulations!!! I would love to take part in your giveaway.
I have been a follower for awhile already, I 'liked' you now on Facebook and also 'liked' your Etsy shop.
I have also added a link to this giveaway in my blog's sidebar
Happy anniversary !
Your "Teatime in the garden" is wonderful ! I love it !
Happy anniversary!
Thank you for including us in your wonderful giveaway
The food that we prefer are the pastries, and pasta dishes.
We followed all the instructions (I hope) and put the link on our blog.
Congratulations on your 2nd anniversary. I would love to take part in your wonderful giveaway. I am not on facebook. I have put your link on my sidebar. Thank you for this great giveaway. Greetings Maria
Felicidades por el cumpleblog. Soy tu seguidora hace mucho tiempo y me encantaría participar en tu sorteo y por supuesto que cuelgo la noticia mi blog. No sabría decir cual es mi plato preferido, probablemente cualquiera que lleve papas, como la tortilla.
Thank you for including me in your wonderful blog giveaway.
Thanks for opportunity!!!
email maison-@hotmail.it
nick follower google = catymariposina
Facebook : Caterina Mariposina
Nick etsy = catymariposina
share yuor shop on twitter
post giveaway on my blog
Enhorabuena por tu aniversario!!! Un sorteo muy generoso por tu parte, en el que me encantaría participar. si no me equivoco cumplo todos los requisitos, ya que me encantan tus trabajos, y los sigo tanto en FB, tu blog y tu Etsy desde hace algún tiempo. Decirte un plato favorito sería dicifil, pues todo me gusta, jejejejeje. Un beso.
Complimenti per il compleanno del tuo blog..o non sono su FB ma mettoil link sul mio blog.......fantastici gli spaghetti e la pizza!!!
Partecipo molto volentieri al tuo giveaway!!!!
Hi all,
thanks so much for your comments and great efforts. This gives me also a chance to know you (the new followers) and am going to visit you your in fb/ twitter or and your blog!
Hello Kikka, thanks so much and it sounds great. Maybe you can tell me your favorite hometown food? :P
Dear Flora and Patty, you both of course can take part in the giveaway as you always leave nice comments in my blog. I really appreciate! Just let me know your favorite hometown food or dessert here or by email? :P I wish you good luck too.
All the best,
Me encanta tu trabajo
I like your minis
Hi. You asked me about my favorite hometown food, well :
"Whitefish on a spit"
Fresh-caught whitefish are scaled, scored with sharp knife and stuck on a flame-broil. You just turn it only once while roasted, but have to be very careful not to burn the fish... Later they are seasoned with water and salt.
This way grilled whitefish is always eaten using one`s fingers.
This tastes soo good! :)
Felicitaciones por el segundo aniversario de tu blog!
Te comento que me he hecho seguidora de tu blog y di click en I Like en tu FB. Por el momento no tengo Twitter y no tengo Blog. Me encantan las cositas que haces y me gustaria mucho participar en tu giveaway.
Ana (Mucuy)
Felicidades , me encantaria participar , un saludo
felicidades.Me gustaria participar en el sorteo, gracias, me encantan todas tus cosas. Un saludo
I can't believe I haven't been by to visit your blog yet! I love your Etsy shop and all your masterpieces.
Mes compliments pour votre anniversaire!
J'aime surtout les macarons, les asperges et les pizzas!
felicidades, espero poder apuntarme en tu sorteo. Fantástico el blog. Un beso
Tienes un blog maravilloso, me gusta todo lo que haces mucho ,es todo precioso. Subo el enlace a mi blog. Me encantaria participar en tu sorteo. Besos.
Hi Peiwen :o) Congrats for the second Anniversary and for the Anniversary. What a nice idea. Please count me in. I'm going to link you. Mini Hugs
Happy Anniversary to your blog!
Please count me in! your giveaway is fantastic.
It is a pity I was on holiday when the miniature online show took place... I hope there will be another one.
Happy Aniversary blog!!
Please count me fot your giveaway!!!
Mini hugs
Love your blog, your food looks always mouthwatering. I'll create a link on my blog. If you need any inspiration for food, maybe you can make a plate of Som Tam Thai, a raw papaya salad from Thailand one of my favorite foods, and I love asparagus and fish dishes.
Miniature greetings
Congratulations on your blog anniversary! I would love to enter your giveaway....but I am not on FB.
Immediately I put your giveaway on my blog.
Ops...my favorite foods of my hometown are pizza and spaghetti!!
Thanks and kisses from Italy
I have been a follower for a while, I clicked on like in FB and in your Etsy shop, you make wonderful food!!! I haven't figured out yet how to put a link in the side bar of my blog.
Not too sure if I can enter your 'give-away' as I don't tweet etc., but you know I am a lover of your work!!
Congratulations on winning Catherine's amazing give-away!
hope i'm lucky enough to win these price,your work are amazing as i always said. i have done some savory omelet recently, feel free to leave a comment for me if you have time to drop by.
Beautiful gifts! I very much want to win a cookie!
Link to panel http://myworldofmini.blogspot.com/
beautiful giveaway ! i love "les macarons ladurée" !!
hermoso trabajo seria un placer participar y gracias
wow che meraviglia, sembrano veri, sei bravissima spero in un pò di fortuna ciao rosa.kreattiva
ti ho inserito nella slidebar di kreattiva.blogspot.com
I like your minis very much. I think those mini foods are superb! Congratulations on your 2nd birthday.
Hi Peiwen, I love your giveaway. I am not sure if I can participate, I don´t have facebook, but I have added you to my etsy circle :-)
Love, Lara
P.S. I will send the swap next week when the last piece is finished ;-)
I have already leave a comment but forgot to say what I have done:
- like you on your FB
- add a post to your giveaway on my FB
( I said : aussi realistes que des vrais mais en 12 fois plus petit )
- add a link to your giveaway on my blog
Bonne soirée.
Olá, parabéns pelo aniversário do blog, já estou te acompanhando e coloquei o link do sorteio no meu blog...Beijos...
follower of your blog with gfc
"Liked" your Facebook page "Oiseau deNim" / ana amanti
The last request is optionl: click "Like" in my Etsy Shop / ana amanti
tumblemumbo at gmail dot com
ayyyyyyyyyyy ya falta poco para el sorteo...ojalá me lo ganara, esperemos a ver quien será la afortunada!!! besossssssssss
Ja, ich habe aller erledigt, facebook, follower und einen Eintrag Deines Blogs auf meiner Seite aber zuerst war ich auf Deiner Seite unterwegs und soooooooooooooo gegeistert. Kann man bei Dir einen workshop buchen oder in die Lehre gehen ? Ich bin blutige Anfängerin und total von Deinem Blog und Deinen Sachen begeistrt ! und von dem giveaway !
No tengo FB, ni se como entrar, mis conocimientos de internet son muy limitados, pero soy seguidora de tu blog y ya he aprendido a escribir mensajes.
Muchas felicidades por tus seguidores y gracias por este sorteo.
Un abrazo
great blog and lovely giveaway.
I will 'like' your page and put a link on my blog too!
from Tyla @
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